There is a privilege and a price to walking in divine prosperity. You already have the privilege. Jesus Christ paid for you to have this privilege on the Cross. But, most people are not willing to pay the price to walk in divine prosperity. There’s a price of commitment that you have to pay — God has to know that He can trust you with His goods before He will give them to you.

God must know that you are completely sold out to Him, so that when you receive the abundance that He is trying to give you, you won’t turn to the world. You see, God gives His children divine prosperity to fulfill His purposes so that while they are fulfilling His plan they have everything they need to do so. God has to trust that you will use your prosperity to fulfill His plans and not your own. That’s the price you must pay. The price of being completely sold out for God. Until God sees that He can trust you; that you are willing to pay the price – you won’t receive all that He has for you.

If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: – Isaiah 1:19

