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The Original Mind



Romans 12:2 –  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Renewing your mind is like spiritual renovation. But, one cannot renovate or renew something that never previously existed. When Paul wrote of renewing your mind, he indicated that the mind had an original state from which it previously existed before it sinned.

So, when we renew our mind, we come into alignment with humanity’s original mindset. We come on the other side of the fall, in the book of Genesis where Adam was thinking just like God. That was the original mindset God intended for His children to have and the finished work of Jesus Christ returned that ability to us.

Renewing your mind allows you to live and think differently. That is why it is such a powerful key to understanding and carrying out God’s will. He wants our minds to reflect His mind, so we can return back to His purpose for us. We can even function as He does.

Renew your mind with the Word of God on a daily basis. It will allow you to leave this world’s ways of doing things and step off into revelation. If you don’t, you will be forced to take what the world puts on you and forced to accept what the politicians say and what religion says.

Be transformed! Walk into that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. When you reach that place, the blessings of God will run you down and run you over!

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