And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: – John 17:22

The glory of God is on the inside of you. Do you remember Jesus praying the prayer that He called the “High Priestly” prayer in John 17? Jesus prayed to the Father that we may have the same glory that He and God have. The glory that encompasses: all that God is, all that God has, and all that God can do. That same glory is on the inside of you. But you have to recognize it and know how to cooperate with it.

You must have a glory mentality. I prayed and asked God what it was that His people needed to speed up their financial deliverance and He revealed to me that they were missing out on the glory. His glory never shows up broke. When His glory shows up, it always blesses beyond measurement; or it’s not glory.

You are a GLORY ATTRACTOR! The glory that is on the inside of you attracts the glory of God.

Could it be that that type of glory showed up in your prayer time but we missed it because we were too busy praying for our needs? God has tried to promote some of you in wealth, but you didn’t recognize His glory. When you pray and worship God, there comes a point when God’s glory shows up. That is the point where you must get out of the way and just receive what God has come to bring you.

I expect you to wear the glory of God’s favor on your life everyday! Say it now: “I am a glory attractor!”