The wealth transference is going to be for a remnant of prepared people. You are in that number. But, you are going to have to listen closely to what the Spirit is saying and not allow anything to hinder you from receiving this breakthrough.

Here are couple of things you need to take note of in order to partake in this wealth transfer:

  • Maturity – One of the major problems the believer faces in not partaking in God’s economic system is lack of maturity. Many are still servant oriented and they have not matured enough to operate in their sonship. Your Heavenly Father wants to bless you. You must know and believe that it is your kingdom inheritance. The Father, through the Holy Spirit, will guide you into receiving the inheritance He has promised you. [Romans 8]


  • Renew Your Mind – You must constantly renew your mind to think like God. Does God think abundance or does He think lack? Does He think in terms of impossibility or possibility? You must find out what the Word tells you about how God thinks. It is imperative that you study, meditate, and receive revelation from the Holy Ghost. Praying in the Holy Ghost is a powerful tool because it will enable you to tap into the mind of God, giving you the ability to think like Him. A practical thing you can do is to simply talk to God and ask Him what He thinks about a situation. [Romans 12:1-3]


  • You can’t put new wine in old bottles – The Holy Spirit giving you revelation is the only thing that can keep your “bottle” fresh. Always be keen on what the Holy Spirit is saying to you at all times in every situation. Realize that the Holy Spirit can speak to you about your financial situation and give you divine instruction that can lead you into your breakthrough. [Matthew 9:17]


  • Be aware of reckless faith – Reckless faith is an enemy to prosperity. It is doing something else instead of what God has told you. It is turning to this world’s way of doing things, when you know that you should be operating in the Kingdom’s ways of doing things. [James 1:22-25]

Join Apostle Thompson as he travels to Marysville, WA tonight at 7PM(PST) & tomorrow at 10:30AM & 7PM (PST)!