When you were born-again, God’s life moved in on the inside of you.

On the inside, you are just like God. All that He is, all that He has, all that He can do (His glory) belongs to you 24 hours a day. You don’t have to go to a church building for access. You don’t have to go to a special temple.

You are the temple which houses God’s glory.

God has placed His glory on the inside of you so that He can manifest on the outside of you for the world to see how great He is!

The secret is learning how to make withdrawals from the glory within you. You can make withdrawals by believing God all the way and then yielding to His ways of making things happen.

But, this is not something that you can just read or hear about. God’s glory within you must be revealed to you in order for you to be able to withdraw from it. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you an on-going revelation of the glory on the inside of you!

Open to those who are called to leadership in the body of Christ