I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. – Psalm 139:14

If your soul knows right well, meaning your mind, your emotions, your imagination, and your consciousness knows right well that prosperity belongs to you, then it’s yours.

If you, by faith, continue to say and think only those things that declare that prosperity belongs to you, your soul has no choice but to catch on. That’s how you renew your mind. You see, sometimes your soul needs a flush. You have to fill your soul up with the promises and Word of God for what you are believing for, so that no contrary thought can come in and stay.

When you do this, you won’t succumb to lack anymore. You’ll be in tune with the infinite. Infinite mean unlimited-ness. God is an unlimited God and He is never dissatisfied when His children move up higher.

If there is such a thing as God clapping His hands, when one of His children hit a financial home run God sits in the grandstand of His throne of mercy and grace and claps His hands saying, “Somebody took what I did for them.”

I see you walking in divine prosperity. I see worry and lack being flushed out your soul. The fear of not having enough will be flushed forever.

Sometimes you have to tell your soul, “Shut up! Get in alignment!”

Whatever you are believing for, your soul has to believe too. That’s the key to outward manifestation. Determine in your heart that you will look to the Word ONLY concerning the promises of God and not allow anything to turn you away.