Stop looking in the natural mirror for the answer. You can’t look into fiction, history, psychology or science and expect to see the answer. Only in God’s Word will you find the answer that will make you free.
We’re all made in God’s image and likeness, but sometimes we forget that. When you look in the supernatural mirror, you’ll be reminded: I’m made in His image. I’m made in His likeness. As He is, so am I in this world, in this life. When you look in this mirror, changes take place. It’ll change your image back to what it’s supposed to be – back to who you truly are in Christ.

The Word is not going to change the situation first. It’s going to change you first. It has to solve the problem of you forgetting who you are. Once you come back to the realization of who you really are, you’ll have no impossibilities your life.

Many people approach the Word trying to deal with their problems, but the problems aren’t the real issues. In Luke 10:19, it reads, “Behold I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and the power of the enemy can do you no harm.” Therefore, the power of the enemy can’t be the problem.

When you go to the Word, make sure you’re going for the purpose of seeing who you are. Go to recognize your power and what God has given to you. Return to your newness. When you sit before the Lord with the Word, you shouldn’t be saying, “Lord, help me with this.” You should be saying
“Lord, help me see me. Help me to see who I am in You.”

When you look in the mirror properly and begin to do the Word, you become Christ. In Him, you live, you move, and you have your being (Acts 17:28). You must realize you’re an offspring of the living God. You’re not a regular person. When you look in the Word, you’re not searching for another solution. You’re just going back to the original plan – the real you.

When you’re reading the Word, you’re not looking for an answer. You’re looking for who you are, and once you find out who you are, you’ll see that the answer is in you and the answer is you.
You see, once you identify with Christ, you don’t have to keep looking for all of those other solutions you were trying to find. You’ll have one common denominator in mind: I know who I am.

This is an excerpt from the book “Looking In The Mirror” by Apostle Leroy Thompson Sr.order your copy now