Philemon 1:6~That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus

You can communicate your faith to others by walking in the knowledge of what God has promised in His Word. Your faith turns into a testimony like in Hebrews 11, where their faith had turned into a testimony of the character of God and what God can do when one operates by faith.

The Bible says the just shall live by faith and just because something seems like in the natural it’s not going right, the meditation of this scripture says keep communicating your faith and acknowledging, in spite of what you see or what you feel. Keep acknowledging who you are in Christ, who Christ is in you, and your faith at any moment is subject to change any situation.

The life of faith changes you from a natural human to a human who can operate in the supernatural and in the will of God. Say about yourself the same thing that God says about you and act the same way God says you are. It will manifest in your life and it will also communicate to others that there is a faith life, there is a God who backs up His Word.

So today, no matter where you are or what you are dealing with, whether it’s good or bad, keep walking in faith because faith always manifests the reality of the truth of God. So don’t be discouraged or fall back, keep pressing and keep walking by faith because we walk by faith and not by sight!